Investigate attacks like never before.

Overwhelmed with too much security data?

of security ops managers
see 5000+ alerts every day1
Organizations can only investigate
56% of the alerts they see on a given day.1
Of the investigated alerts,
only half are deemed malicious.1

Pivot on contextual data points.

Map out attackers’ infrastructure by pinpointing how domains are related to
IPs, networks, and malware files.

Find out who registered a domain and their contact information, as well as when and where the domain was registered.

Pivot interactively between domains, IPs, and ASNs during incident investigation.

Pivot interactively between domains, IPs, and ASNs during incident investigation.

Start building out your view of an attacker’s infrastructure with a domain, IP, ASN, email address, or file hash.

Uncover intelligence about malware used in attacks, including file hash threat scores, network activity, behavioral indicators, and more.

A single, correlated source of intelligence.

Intel is delivered via a web-based console or API.

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Uncover intelligence about malware used in attacks, including file hash threat scores, network activity, behavioral indicators, and more.

Get an up-to-the-minute view of DNS requests to a particular domain.

Find out who registered a domain
and their contact information, as well
as when and where the domain
was registered.

Uncover domains, IPs, and ASNs that are attributed to a specific attack or malicious activity.

View geographic location of IP addresses, correlated with the location where users are requesting them.

Get reliable threat scoring on domains and IPs to quickly and confidently confirm their risk.

Pivot interactively between domains, IPs, and ASNs during incident investigation.

Access one of the world’s largest passive DNS databases to see historical data about domains.

Discover other domains that are frequently looked up in the same period of time and are likely affiliated with the given domain.

Connect the dots.

With internet-wide visibility across all your existing security products,
Cisco Umbrella Investigate gives you exactly the context you need.